A South Florida Butterfly Garden WebQuest 
Lesson Plan
Created by Ada López-Isa, Ed.S
April 2004
Introduction | Content Areas | Grade Levels | Standards | Overview | Timeline | Resources | Entry Skills | Evaluation  Conclusion | Student Page

This WebQuest was developed as part of a School-wide Ecosystem Project. This is a technology based unit in which our students will be working together to create and produce a South Florida butterfly garden. Throughout this WebQuest, students will use critical thinking skills in creating and constructing the garden. Each classroom will design their garden and one from each grade level will be chosen. These will then be presented to the Science Committee. They will choose the best design appropriate for our school and funds. The planting of the butterfly garden will be a school-wide event culminating with a butterfly release at our new garden.


Language Arts


This WebQuest has been designed with separate activities grouped for grades K-2 and 3-5.

This WebQuest follows the Florida Sunshine State Standards and the Miami-Dade County Public Schools Competency Based Curriculum. 
Possible standards to be covered in class to complement this WebQuest:

Kindergarten:II Life Science #2, 3, 7 A
II Measurement #1, 2, 9 A
II Language Arts #3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 1 0 A
II Technology Tools 1-4 B, C

First:   II Life Science #1-5 A, 1-3 B
II Measurement #1-4 A
     II Language Arts #1, 7, 12, 14 A
     II Technology Tools II 1-4 B, C

Second:         II Life Science #1-4 A - B
    II Measurement #2, 8 A
    II Language Arts #1-3, 6-8, 10, 12 A
    II Technology Tools #1-3 A, B

Third:       II Life Science #1-4 A
    II Measurement #2, 11, 14, 15, 20 A-D
    II Language Arts #1-5, 11, 13, 16 A
    II Technology Tools #1-3 A, B

Fourth:    II Life Science #1-3 A
    II Measurement #1-2, 5-6, 9, 14, 16, 17A – C
    II Language Arts #1, 6, 11, 13, 15 A
    II Technology Tools #1-3 B

Fifth:        II Life Science #3 B
    II Measurement #1, 2, 5-7, 9-15, 18-20 A-D
    II Language Arts #1, 6, 9, 12 A
    II Technology Tools #1-3 B


In this WebQuest, students will be working in groups of 6-8 students, which is the WebQuest Team. They will complete the background information activities according to their grade levels. This is part one of the WebQuest. For part two, the Team divides into groups of two. Each group will work on a different job, again according to their grade levels. The Teams of two will then get together to share all the information they learned through a discussion and must come to a consensus. After the discussion, the WebQuest Team will get together to publish what they have learned. Part four of the WebQuest is the real world experience. The entire class will work cooperatively to plan and design our school’s South Florida butterfly garden. This WebQuest should take approximately 15 days to complete

Suggested Timeline:

Day 1:     For all grades:

Day 2:     For grades K-2:

    For grades 3-5:

Day 3:      For grades K-2:

                 For grades 3-5:

Day 4:      For grades K-2:

    For grades 3-5:

Days 5 through 16 are for all grade levels:

Day 5:

Day 6:

Day 7:

Day 8:

Day 9:

Day 10:

Day 11:

Day 12:

Day 13:

Day 14:

Day 15:

Day 16:

The students will be using specific websites and web pages to obtain information about butterflies in general, butterflies of Florida, plants attracting butterflies, butterfly gardening, native plants of Florida and Florida ecosystems. See student page for the links. They should also be encouraged to check out books from the library.


Students and teachers must have basic computer skills and Internet experience. They must also have some basic knowledge on how to use Microsoft Word (or another desktop publishing program) and PowerPoint.


There will be two rubrics used. You may also use a rubric calculator to figure out the percentage each student receives on the rubric. To use this, you must run a rubric online and mark the performance standard for each objective.


Students have learned a lot about butterflies, plants that attract butterflies and South Florida butterfly gardens. They were also able to apply what they learned when they planned and designed a butterfly garden for our school. This real world experience will be long remembered by our students.

The graphics on this page are courtesy of


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